Lamb is alone in the kitchen wondering why he cannot sleep. He opens his computer and writes Mieka an email. He writes five hundred words explaining why he is writing an email and never gets to writing what he actually wants to write. He thinks he wants to tell her he is not the person she thinks he is. He types this out and wonders what she will think. He deletes the email and tells himself there are more effective ways of communicating. He shuts his computer and leans back in his chair. When he closes his eyes he sees fancy swirls and shapes. He holds his hands up in midair and moves his fingers as if he is sketching something with a pencil. He pictures something artistic to sketch and becomes bored.

Lamb hears Mieka walk down the stairs. He keeps his eyes closed. Mieka says, “You look like you’re conducting and orchestra.” When Lamb opens his eyes he sees Mieka is dressed. Mieka watches Lamb’s facial expression and wishes she has something profound to say. Lamb sits motionless and avoids eye contact. There is silence for fifteen seconds.

Mieka tells Lamb a bunch of her friends are getting together early in the morning and that she has to leave. This makes Lamb feel sad and unwelcome. She says they are friends from out of town. Her phone beeps and she reads a text message. Lamb tries to smile as non-violently as possible. He feels his brow cramp as he stands to walk Mieka to the door. Mieka says something and feels she understands herself better. Lamb says something different and stops thinking. Mieka says she understands Lamb and Lamb pretends to understand himself. He says, “Goodbye” then thinks about telling her about his email but doesn’t say a word.

That night, Lamb moves all is belongings out of the apartment and into his car. He rolls the windows down and sleeps in the backseat. A week passes. Lamb stops going into work and feels liberated. He walks around the neighborhood all day, only going inside his apartment to eat or use the restroom. When the kitchen cabinets are empty, he begins to use the pool house toilet instead. He doesn’t sleep, but instead wanders around the parking lot of the apartment complex in a dreamlike state. He tries to picture Mieka but her image dissolves in his mind, appearing only in wet, foggy snapshots. He thinks, “Nothing can keep us further apart than one another” standing motionless, waiting for something to happen.

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